Manako Flower Academy

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マナコフラワーアカデミー会長  真子 やすこ


I have loved flowers of all kinds since my childhood. Since I founded Manako Flower Academy 55 years ago, I have had the privileges of communicating through flowers with my Japanese compatriots as well as with foreigners who don't speak Japanese.

Thanks to you, members of the Manako Community, the spirits of the Manako Flower Academy and our artistic know-hows are widely spread. Now, Manako Flower Academy is recognized as one of the avant-garde among the many floral design schools in Japan.

We will continue the efforts to keep the lights of the flowers illuminating, with the same tenacity in the future to come. We wish you eternal pleasure and excitement from making the arrangements with your hands as well as holding the beautiful image in your mind.

Chairman, Manako Flower Academy
Yasuko Manako

マナコフラワーアカデミー学院長  真子 るみ子

私が花と触れ合うことが出来たのは幸運にも生まれた時からでした。 祖父が花屋を営み、そして父が継いでおりましたので、ごく自然に花は私の周りに存在していました。 学校から帰り、店中に沢山の花があるのを見て‘この花の上に寝転びたい`と言っていたことを思い出します。風船のような桔梗の花の蕾をバケツいっぱい潰して叱られたことや、折れてしまった花を剣山に挿して遊んだことは思い出です。
いけた花は、自分の感情や感覚を映し出す鏡と言われます。花が五感を高め、一緒に学んでいる仲間とのつながりを深めていることを日々感じています。 花の魅力を発見し、花から元気をもらって楽しく一緒にレッスンしましょう。

Since birth, I have been blessed to be surrounded by flowers.My grandfather was a florist with his own shop and my father followed in his footsteps. This was how my life long love affair with flowers began.Often coming home from school, I would gaze at the flowers and imagine : "How wonderful if I could be one of them..."

I remember once filling a bucket with buds of Japanese bellflowers which were shaped like little balloons. Of course my father scolded me for cutting off the buds and ruining the stems. I also remember collecting broken flowers, as not to see them wasted, and arranging them with the help of a pin holder which is called kenzan in Japanese.

Floral arrangements are often described as mirrors reflecting our feelings and sentiments of the moment.
Flowers possess positive energy which can stimulate our five senses, I also feel, everyday, the energy deepening our ties among the fellow arrangers and students.

Come discover the charm of flowers and enjoy the magical effects they bring. We are looking forward to sharing the enchantment and fun with you in class.

President, Manako Flower Academy Rumiko Manako